Greta Cahill
Research Question:What are the most effective strategies to empower youth to become environmental leaders?
Thesis Statement:The most effective strategies to empower youth to become environmental leaders are implementing environmental science and civic education to school curriculum, developing individual sense of place, positive adult role models, and opportunities for leadership.
Thesis Paper:
Action Project Description:My goal was to use Instagram as a platform to connect people who wanted to better their individual environmental ethics and consciousness with environmental education lesson plans. Throughout the action project work time, I created lesson plans that can be used in different setting that included topics such as: sense of place development, upcycling crafts, and localized issue research. I then created marketing materials for the lesson plans launched on my Instagram page and created a website with all the materiel. Additionally, I researched how to effectivly engage an audience over social media campaigns and created smaller and easier activities for people to do!